Creating a Ceiling Feature With Trailing Greenery.
The possibilities are endless with artificial plants, incorporating greenery has never been easier with bendable stems, lifelike foliage and made from fire retardant materials. Here is a commercial project creating a ceiling of luscious trailing greens for a restaurant using all products found on our shop, lets talk about how you too can achieve a lush jungle interior effortlessly.

For this we have used a wide variety of our trailing plants and stems to give contrasting texture, placing different shaped and coloured plants together instantly making a feature, whilst giving an overgrown, lusciously thick and teaming with life look, pushing its realism.

With a closer look you can see a lot of our trailing plants listed, including fern, bamboo, ivy and our hoya plant, we have also used stems of Ficus branches to give even more variety and to add texture to the top of the structure. These products are really easy to use, they all have bendable stems, so can be wrapped or fixed to almost anything. This is also where our fire retardant range comes in handy, there is no need for risk with our fake plants.
Browse through our collection of trailing, fire retardant and single stem plants here to easily create a bold new look.